Welcome to Middle School Language Arts!
I'm Karen Leciejewski and I have been teaching at Saint John's since 2004. I've taught middle school since 2001 and love working with this age group! I have three children of my own who attend/have attended Saint John's, so I'm, not only a Saint John's teacher, but I'm also a Saint John's parent.
I teach language arts to all of the middle school. We cover vocabulary, spelling, grammar, literature, and writing in language arts class.

Other Responsibilites

8th Grade Homeroom
In addition to language arts, I am also the 8th-grade homeroom teacher. The 8th graders have many exciting activities throughout the year such as the Halloween party and leading Olympic Day. Click here to learn more about these activities.

Learning Strategies
While the middle school students are in their specialist classes (art, gym, computer, ect...) I teach a class called Learning Strategies. In this class, I assist students with their homework (in all subject areas), study skills, and organizational skills. This is an option for students who may be struggling and need some extra one-on-one teacher time.

8th Grade Religion/Confirmation Preparation
I am also the 8th-grade religion class and help lead them through Confirmation preparation. . To find out more about the Confirmation program, click here to visit the parish page on the sacratment of Confirmation.

Student Council Advisor
I am also the co-advisor of our school's student council. All middle school students have the option to run for student council. We plan the dances, fundraisers, Kids Gala Day and have a hand in most of the other fun activities that take place in school throughout the year. Click here for more information.