Grduation Ceremony
When is graduation?
The graduation ceremony is always held on the Tuesday after Memorial Day in the church at 7:00 P.M. This year that is May 27, 2025. Students should arrive by 6:45 P.M. and come to the lower church to line up and receive corsages and boutonnieres. There will be teachers waiting to pin them on and get everyone lined up for the ceremony.
Where is graduation?
The ceremony is in Saint John's Church.
What should my child wear?
The 8th graders dress up for graduation. Most girls wear skirts, dresses, or dress pants. Most boys wear dress pants, dress shirts, and ties. Many wear their Confirmation outfit again. We ask that shoulders and mid-drifts be covered and that skirt lengths be modest. (a good guide is that a skirt/dress should be longer than the fingertips when standing with arms straight down at the sides) If you are having difficulty finding modest dresses, graduates could wear tights or leggings under the skirt and/or wear a sweater to cover the shoulders.
Where should we sit?
The 8th-grade graduates will be seated by themselves in the first reserved pews. Anywhere else in the church is available for families. The teachers and musicians usually take the wings, so the center remains open. It would be a good idea to ask your child which side of the church he/she will process in on, so you can get better pictures. Also, there's time delegated during the ceremony for parents to come forward to take a photo of the whole class on the altar.
What happens after graduation?
There's a small reception in the dining room after Mass. We serve some refreshments. All families are welcome. There is also a "photo booth" area in the dining room for more pictures.
At that point, the students are on summer vacation!!