Confirmation Ceremony
What if my child isn't receiving the sacrament of Confirmation?
Your child will still take part in religion class, but won't be required to complete some of the activities that are specific to Confirmation.
Please contact the Faith Formation coordinator, to provide more information about the program for you if you'd like.
When is the Confirmation Ceremony?
The Confirmation ceremony is usually held on the first Monday of May or June at 7:00 P.M. Check the Faith Formation info on the link for this year's details here.
Where is Confirmation?
The ceremony is usually held at the Cathedral in St. Paul. Check the Faith Formation link for this year's details.
What should my child wear?
The 8th graders dress up for Confirmation. Most girls wear skirts, dresses, or dress pants. Most boys wear dress pants, dress shirts, and ties. Many wear their Confirmation outfit again at graduation. We ask that shoulders and mid-drifts be covered and that skirt lengths be modest. (a good guide is that a skirt/dress should be longer than the fingertips when standing with arms straight down at the sides) If you are having difficulty finding modest dresses, graduates could wear tights or leggings under the skirt and/or wear a sweater to cover the shoulders. Again you can find this information in the Confirmation packet on the website.